Care Advantage

Why we do what we do

Social care is built on people. It is your employees who deliver the hopes and aspirations of individuals and their families. In large measure they ‘own’ the relationship between the organisation and its customers.

Our goal is to support organisations providing aged, disability and related services to identify and engage suitable applicants and employees for social care settings. 

We help them to perform better by recruiting better people more efficiently.

It’s simply, better people choices.

Why Choose Us

Product Experts
Because we understand the sector we can translate the power of psychometrics into solutions for customers and stakeholders at all levels.

Software Solutions
We strive to provide assessments that are highly predictive of work performance and simple for applicants, recruiters and hiring managers to use. This helps to better understand behaviours and behavioural preferences in the workplace.

Data is our difference
Our organisation is built on a strong scientific foundation and reinforced by ongoing data collection and analysis. We share this data with our clients to support actionable workforce strategies.

Sector Centricity
A deep understanding of the Care sector and its challenges allows us to actively support providers in this time of significant change.

Our Science

  • Normative Assessments – ideal for comparative screening
  • Based on the well-accepted Big 5 Personality Model
  • High validity and reliability
  • 17+ years’ use in the Care Sector
  • Over 190,000 care sector applicants screened in Australia and New Zealand
  • Australian and New Zealand norms

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